

"We shape our tools, thereafter our tools shape us." — Marshall McLuhan
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Mission & Vision

Tekunda is building the future of software innovation
We believe that by equipping humanity with the best tools to solve their own challenges, we can tackle the whole world's challenges better, together. We're always looking for talented and creative humans who thrive to be the best at their craft and are interested in building the future of software innovation alongside us.
All open positions are for Egyptian residents only
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Our values

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Excellence with speed

We bias toward both quality and speed by cutting scope. Shipping small keeps our momentum up and our bar high.
We pursue mastery and craftsmanship. “Good enough” is our enemy.

Autonomous as part of the team

Success depends on our blend of deep caring, effort, and optimism. We’re energised to work together.
We act independently when we recognise an opportunity for improvement.
We self-assess the quality and impact of our work.
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Feedback is a gift

It is core to our culture, always given in service of helping each other grow and get better.
We always find time to help and learn from others.
We seek guidance, alignment, and clear goals instead of orders or hand-holding.

Run the front page test

We are candid and direct with everyone we work with, we make our decisions with integrity, knowing that if we saw our actions on the front page of The Wall Street Journal, we’d be proud.
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Courages to run the extra mile with passion!

We share our opinion and insights, even if it’s uncomfortable.
We are willing to experiment and try something new, even if we’re not sure it will succeed.
Passion is the core value of what we do! Be willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish the job…plus a little bit more with passion

We’re humble

We focus on listening to other perspectives because we know we don’t have all the answers or best solutions.
We recognise that vanity and ego are the enemies of great ideas and outstanding products.
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